Last week, American
Express Travel added its list to the many that are predicting the hot spots for
international travel in 2015.
Their forecast is for
"trending" cities -- destinations booked with the greatest
year-over-year growth, according to survey findings.
1. London
2. Santiago , Chile
3. Paris
4. Mumbai , India
5. Buenos Aires
6. Providenciales, Turks
and Caicos
7. Puerto Vallarta , Mexico
8. Sydney , Australia
9. New York
10. San Francisco
(That's Santiago shown
in the Ellen Creager/MCT photo at the top of this post).
Based on survey
findings, American Express is also seeing an increase in demand for New Zealand
Vietnam, Myanmar , Croatia , Iceland
and Italy .
#4 probably isn't because of vacation travel.
Croatia!! Check out the bay of Grscica on Korcula
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