Monday, January 12, 2015

10 international cities getting trendy as 2015 destinations

Last week, American Express Travel added its list to the many that are predicting the hot spots for international travel in 2015.

Their forecast is for "trending" cities -- destinations booked with the greatest year-over-year growth, according to survey findings.

1. London
2. Santiago, Chile
3. Paris
4. Mumbai, India
5. Buenos Aires
6. Providenciales, Turks and Caicos
7. Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
8. Sydney, Australia
9. New York
10. San Francisco

(That's Santiago shown in the Ellen Creager/MCT photo at the top of this post).

Based on survey findings, American Express is also seeing an increase in demand for New Zealand Vietnam, Myanmar, Croatia, Iceland and Italy.


Anonymous said...

#4 probably isn't because of vacation travel.

Apartments Korcula said...

Croatia!! Check out the bay of Grscica on Korcula